Not a day goes by where a person, stranger or not, asks me, "So are you going to try for a girl?" I think it has become more of a small talk topic than actual curiosity. Kind of like, "So, do you think the rain will hold off today?" Maybe it's a welcome change to the constant weather talk. At least that's what it's like where I live. "It's so cold today! It's so hot today!" We as a community have chronic 'chit chat about the weather syndrome'. But when someone sees a family coming with more than two children of the same gender it's as if the weather thoughts escape their mind and THE QUESTION becomes the only question they have for us. And I totally get it. I do the exact same thing to other people and I even wonder the same thing about myself. Curiosity is a part of human nature. This type of curiosity should have a filter on it but I wouldn't be writing this blog if it did:) And in the end, life is a mystery, regardless of how much planning, researching, tarot card reading you do, you just never know what's going to happen.
I took the middle and little boy to IKEA yesterday, which I'm seriously not sure what I was thinking but that's a story for another day. The greeter, who was a very kind older gentleman, asked me if I needed a cart for the littlest one. "No, i'm okay, thanks," I replied. "He wouldn't stay in it anyway." The very kind IKEA greeter placed his hand on my shoulder laughing. "Boys are so busy, I know where you're coming from. My mother had four boys. She kept trying for a girl but it never happened." I quickly replied with, "I'm pretty sure we only make boys too," and started my ride up the escalator. I thought our little exchange had ended. And then I heard it, although this time it wasn't THE QUESTION, it was more of a suggestion. I looked back to see the greeter, hands cupping his mouth to make the sound of his voice carry farther, yell out to me "Try Anyway!" I wasn't annoyed, embarrassed or offended at all. Actually I think it's very funny. I can appreciate the change of topic. It makes us connect with people that we might not have spoken to before. And those connections remind you that most people in this world are actually pretty decent.
Life with three little boys is exactly how you imagine. The couches are jungle gyms, there are full out brawls in the family room, there is always a scent of pee in the bathroom, the potty talk is never ending and Captain Underpants is the #1 hero in this house. But you know what? They are so full of love. There are times when they are so sensitive that it makes my heart hurt and I am quickly reminded that they are still babies...they will always be my babies. They might fight each other at home but as soon as they walk out the door and face the world they are each others wing man, defender, best friend, soulmate. And that is what I always wanted for them. To have each other. "You only have each other," is something I often say to them and I hope it carries with them for the rest of their lives. If another boy comes along then their crew will grow by one and if a girl comes along....then it still grows by one. One more person to face the world with.
Charlee With 2 E's
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