Designer Shades

I never cared much for designer sunglasses. I mean, I thought they were cool, and would love to have them, but I could never bring myself to spending the money on them. Instead I would settle for the cheaper knock off versions, knowing I would scratch the hell out of the lenses, break off the arms, lose the screws and eventually forget them somewhere anyway. Last year I decided I was old enough to take on the responsibility of having a nice pair of sunglasses and realized that maybe I let my former sunglasses engage in such battle wounds because I always saw them as easy causalities. I figured they were cheap to begin with so who cares. Terrible on my part, I know. Anyhow, I got the idea in my mind that I wanted designer sunglasses and when I get an idea in my head I basically obsess about it until I get it or accomplish it. It’s part of the whole ‘type A’ personality thing. At times it can be ridiculous and exhausting but for the most part I’m left with a feeling a satisfaction. I run...