Hi! I'm Back!

Wow! It has been way too long since I've been here. Life kind of got away on me. One baby, then another, then another....the days, then months, then years turn into a big giant blur of awesomeness mixed with extreme sleep deprivation. But the great news is that I'm back. Maybe not regularly, but I'll definitely pop in more frequently. Let's see, last time we talked I was a young and naive twenty something with too much free time. Haha, I laugh at myself. I'm grateful to have had those days, it makes me be okay with being who I am now. I had loads of me time...loads of it. I don't think I fully realized how much of myself would be given to my children....there's a tiny spec of me left each day, from about 9:30 pm - 11:00 pm, but I'll take it. The good days, the bad days, the snotty nosed, tantrum filled days, I'll take them all :) Instead of watching movies and finding new music, I'm organizing play dates, driving to activities, help...