Bring On The Swifty

I’m old. Staying up late is really hard to do and I don’t own a PVR (DVR)...I know, crazy right? It’s like I’m living under a rock. So that meant I needed to stay up long past my bedtime to watch Taylor Swift host Saturday Night Live last night. Ever since that whole MTV/Kanye West debacle I’ve become a fan of little miss Swifty. She has one of the best personalities in the business, so I’ve decided I like her and I want to see her do well out there. If I was 19 again and could choose to trade places with one “celebrity” I would probably pick her. Her wardrobe is beyond fantastic. I would do pretty much anything to go tradsies on outfits with her and raid her closet. I’ve never ever been one to share clothes…but I would with her. In interviews she comes across as funny, sweet, a little humble, mixed with some nerves…she’s real. She writes lyrics that are real. Every time I hear one of her songs for the first time I get goose bumps because I remember the exact point in my life when I ...