My Superficial Christmas Wish List

I know I’ve said this to so many people, but I’m not sure I’ve ever typed it. Just to cover the bases I’ll recap my thoughts on the whole Christmas gift giving thing. Will and I don’t exchange gifts. Instead of buying multiple small presents for each other, we save the money to purchase bigger ticket items for the house or we save it for vacations. We are in the stage of our life known as the ‘building years.’ Furnishing a house is expensive man, therefore ‘want’ items get tossed to the bottom of the list and ‘need’ items become top priority. Here is the second reason we don’t do the whole gift exchange. A few years ago we came to the realization that the exchange of material goods for specific holidays was baloney. I understand this isn’t the case for everyone. Some people really look forward to birthdays and holidays for the presents. People love presents, I totally get it. Awesome, love it,keep it up it's good for our economy. I on the other hand would prefer a bouquet of flower...