The Clock is Ticking

Levi Johnston Peek a booed his “package deal” last week in Playgirl magazine, which now is an online only publication. Here are some of the pictures you can click on the playgirl link for all of them but I’m warming…Not Work Appropriate. I’m sure you’ve heard his name over water cooler talk. In case you didn’t here’s a recap. Levi dated Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol, knocked her up, the world found out during the 2008 presidential election campaign, Sarah lost, Tripp was born, Levi and Bristol broke up and everyone became media hungry. Levi must realize that he only has 15 minutes of fame and he needs to run this well dry. So what if he posses nude for an online magazine? As long as he doesn’t start running the celebrity reality show circuit, we’ll all forget about him and he can go back to being whatever he was before. Nobody is going to remember him and as long as he sticks to the short term plan he’ll be laughing his way to...