Too Desperate?

I have been stewing over this for a few days now…not judging…just making observations and trying to figure it all out and I’ve come to this conclusion. Ashley Greene hooks up with a lot of people and she doesn’t seem to care. In fact, I think she wants the world to see. She wants the reassurance that she’s hot and that other hot people want to be with her.
If you don’t know who I’m talking about then next time you are walking by a magazine stand take a look at this month’s Maxim cover…she’s on the front…and posing hard. She’s hungry and she wants the fame bad. But it’s coming off as desperate in all areas. We already have a Megan Fox in this world and she’s doing great on her own.
Back in April, Ashley was photographed with Ian Somerhalder..don’t know who he is? He played Boon on Lost and he now plays Damon on the Vampire Diaries. What’s the connection here? Hmmm, let’s see. We both play vampires so let’s hook up. Ian Somerhalder doesn’t seem like a girlfriend kind of, definitely not..definitely more of a one nighter. But seriously what’s up with the instant PDA? Do the guys really like this? Or are they just putting up with it until she puts out….later that night. All of this instant PDA makes me wonder if she’s like the character Kate Hudson plays in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days when she makes a photo shopped album of their future children…I know it’s scary to think of…but girls like this actually exist. That was the one and only time we saw Ashley with Ian but this was early in Ashley’s game. We’ll call Ian her practice run.
After some practice rounds, we then saw her with Entourage’s Adrien Grenier.’s much older and she and they both claim that there was no hookup, but, I don’t know. Entourage was about to have their season premiere at the time, which makes him mildly popular, meaning he would have paparazzi attention which means Ashley saw an opportunity and went for it.
The next one came out of nowhere and was a huge surprise. Practice must make you better because the night after the Teen Choice Awards, Ashley was seen at LAX on route to Vancouver, but the crazy part was who dropped her off. Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl. This was the day those nudie photos first appeared on the internet for the world to see but instead of a, Oh my god how embarrassing moment, it was more like…check it out boys..these are the goods…now who wants some. She was caught giving him a good bye kiss…a nice way to end their one night hook up I guess. Now that’s service. I think Chase wanted it more than she did. Hook up then get a personal drop off at the airport. It almost made people thing that they were a couple. Oh god no, Ashley has no time for that. I mean Chase is a TV actor..she is a serious movie actress. Time to move on.
This brings us to last Thursday night in NYC. Here are the pictures of her leaving a party with Kings of Leon hottie, Jared Followill. Look at the pictures The way she is holding his hand…guiding him through the paparazzi..seems like they have been dating for days? But no, that was just another hook up. And smart too. Kings of Leon are super hot right now, especially in the celebrity world. Everybody wants to hang out with them and Ashley conquered. It’s like he’s following her around like a puppy. Run Jared…Run. Nobody messes around with a King…they mess around with you and why is that, because their sex is on fire, not yours, theirs. That’s the rule.
So here is the question. Is she desperate or does she dominate?
Yikes! I have been hoping she was I am not sure. Ashley is currently leaning further toward desperate. Miss Greene's publicist needs to have a sit down meeting with her.
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