Hope for Haiti

I’m watching the Hope for Haiti telethon right now and I am moved by the collective efforts of the world. In moments such as this one I feel great hope for humanity. We can unite not only in times of need but in love, in hope, in faith. In times such as this, race and social class disappear uniting us as part of the human race, as brothers and sisters who share this great earth. We have a duty and a responsibility to protect each other, to help each other, to support each other not only in times of great distress but always. The musical talents represented on this telethon are phenomenal. You can purchase all of tonight’s performances on itunes…itunes/Haiti Haiti will need your help for years to come. Every little bit helps. You can help. Please don't forget about them. Thank you for opening your hearts to others. http://www.hopeforhaiti.com/ www.canadaforhaiti.com George, great job pulling your famous friends together. Here is a slideshow of pictures from the telethon: http://www...