Movie Trailer on Repeat

It’s no secret that I have a bit of an obsessive disorder. Not obsessive compulsive. I don’t need to turn the light switch on and off ten times to makes sure it’s off and I don’t wash my hands five times in a row to make sure they are clean. I just obsess over things. Like new favorite foods, music, movies. I develop a very fast comfort zone and I very much enjoy my comfort zone. Over the weekend I saw the trailer for Matt Damon and Emily Blunt’s new film called The Adjustment Bureau. Oh. My. God. I can’t stop watching it. The emotional build up of the music is so intense. And their chemistry….I never pictured them together but now that I see them it makes perfect sense. Check out the trailer here then we’ll talk about it. Okay, did you watch it? Because we can’t talk about it if you didn’t watch it. It won’t make sense. First we need to talk about Emily Blunt. I’ve decided that she’s my new favorite actress of the late ...