Network Marketing Wannabe Here!!

'They' say that people buy direct sales products (anything your friends are selling on Facebook) from people they know and trust. 'They' also say that to create a sustainable direct sales career you need to push beyond the people who know you and trust you. You can't and shouldn't expect your friends and family to build your success. I agree! Network marketing seems to be the new "thing to do." This generations Avon lady, except instead of going door to door you sit on your couch or in your car using your phone and Facebook to run your empire. I started out with one direct sales business and a few months later joined another. Not because I'm a greedy opportunist - I seriously worried that everyone would assume this, and yes, I know I shouldn't worry about what anyone thinks, but I'm human, it happens. The first two reasons, which are on equal levels, for why I signed up with these two businesses were because: 1. I LOVE the product...