Do you know what that stands for? If you don’t then you’re missing out on one of the best shows on television. HIMYM stands for How I Met Your Mother. The only thing you need to know about this show is that it stars Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel. AWESOME , I know. Neil Patrick Harris (who grew up as the child doctor known as Doogie Howser – you have the synthesizer theme song playing in your head right now don’t you?) plays a womanizing, suit loving character named Barney Stinson whose life goal is to be “AWESOME”. You love it already…I can tell. He is my favorite character on the show. I would gladly accept a Barney Stinson spin off. Check out the all time best Barney Stinson lines here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQTCUU4N7DU This character is so amazing he even has his own book. It’s called the bro code. I’m a chick and I own this book. It’s basically the bible for dudes. It’s a guide to awesomeness. Let’s talk about Jason Segel for a minute. I had myself a mini Jason Sege...