Do you know what that stands for? If you don’t then you’re missing out on one of the best shows on television. HIMYM stands for How I Met Your Mother. The only thing you need to know about this show is that it stars Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel. AWESOME, I know.
Neil Patrick Harris (who grew up as the child doctor known as Doogie Howser – you have the synthesizer theme song playing in your head right now don’t you?) plays a womanizing, suit loving character named Barney Stinson whose life goal is to be “AWESOME”. You love it already…I can tell. He is my favorite character on the show. I would gladly accept a Barney Stinson spin off. Check out the all time best Barney Stinson lines here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQTCUU4N7DU This character is so amazing he even has his own book. It’s called the bro code. I’m a chick and I own this book. It’s basically the bible for dudes. It’s a guide to awesomeness.
Let’s talk about Jason Segel for a minute. I had myself a mini Jason Segel marathon the other day, more by accident then by choice. I Love You Man was playing on the movie network followed by Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Best line from I Love You Man? Slappin Da Bass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2alBPk2gkPo
You know you’re going to be saying that all day, right?
Here is a bit of trivia for you. Did you know that Jason Segel wrote the screenplay to Forgetting Sarah Marshall? So good. I love that movie. I can watch it over and over again and never get sick of it. I’m pretty sure I could recite most lines in the movie. Best scene in that movie is Russell Brand’s rendition of Inside of You. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHBMfmCc2EM Check out his stellar dance moves at the 1:04 mark. GOLD! Russell Brand you are my new hero.
But the best performance hands down was Peter's (A.K.A. Jason's) rendition of Dracula the musical. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ZtwbzUFZE You just went pee pee in your pants, didn't you?
More Trivia, Jason Segel is only turning 30 next week. Crazy. I thought he’d be older than thirty. He is part of the next generation funny pack which includes Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann (who is married to Judd Apatow – the genius behind the funny pack), Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Bill Hader, Kristen Wigg…seriously can I please be invited to a party with these people. Crap, now I want to go home and watch Knocked up, Superbad and 40 Year Old Virgin. Damn these people are funny. I want in!
I just learned today that a spoof movie is currently in the works titled "The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It". Here are the details: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1498870/ It has awesome potential, but I'm not sure if you can ever beat the real deal.
Wow, that was a serious digression from the original reason for this post. To make you watch How I Met Your Mother. To all of the Canadian readers, there is a Canadian character on the show and they often write in great ‘odes to Canada’. There was even an ode to Tim Horton’s the nation’s beloved coffee brand.
Here is the basic premise of the show: The main character, Ted Mosby (played by Josh Radnor, with narration by Bob Saget)recounts to his son and daughter the events that led to his meeting their mother. The show has been on since 2005 and we still don't know who the mother is. The five pack of friends in this show is what keeps it going. You will love them. You will want them to be your friends. It's kind of like the show "Friends" but younger, funnier,raunchier and replace a coffee shop with an Irish pub.
How I Met Your Mother airs Monday nights on CBS. Check your local listings for times. It’s worth your time.
This post is legen-DARY! Agree 100% re: HIMYM. Just can't get enough of that show.