Water for Elephants

I know what you’re thinking. A book about the circus? Seriously? Give me a break. Well, let me start by saying I never thought I would LOVE a book about the circus so much. I was skeptical about this book. A friend of mine told me to read it a year ago and every time I went into the bookstore I would veer towards it, thinking “this time I will pick it up,” but I just couldn’t do it. Even though she raved about this book. And every time I walked passed it, I could hear it yelling at me, “Get over here and read my jacket cover.” I couldn’t believe that a book about the circus would be appealing to me. At the time I was obsessed with all things vampire and supernatural for that matter so a book about the circus was beyond the realm of possibilities. I’m happy to report that I have let go of my vampire addiction and have moved on to greener, much more livable pastures. No worries though. My Twilight series remains close by just in case I need a quick fix. A few weeks ago I made another tri...