An Education

To really know me you must understand how much I love British Films. They are my secret crush. I wish they would get more attention in North America but then maybe they wouldn’t seem as special to me. Maybe it’s because I often secretly wish I was British. When I come across one, which is usually an independent art house type film; I exult in clappy jumps and squeals. I love the dry humor most people never get. I love the drama. I love the accents. Intense moments just seem so much more dramatic when the lines are delivered with such an accent. My sister in law lives in London. I am jealous that she gets to hear it all the time. So I have been waiting for months to see An Education. I saw the trailer on Apple/trailers ages ago and have been salivating over it ever since. This film stars this year’s BAFTA winner for Best Actress, Carey Mulligan and American Born, acting as a British lad, Peter Sarsgaard. My expectations were high and they were met. There was no disappointment with this...