Short Skirts and Armpit Sweat

Over the weekend we spent some much needed time catching up with two of our best friends. They are busy, we are busy, life gets in the way – you know how it is. Pretty soon half a year has gone by and you’re left wondering where the hell time went. Anyway, a new restaurant/club opened up in the downtown core and we decided to venture out of suburbiaville to try something new. This place was a twenty five and older type of joint. This is a good thing. My friend is a teacher and the last thing you want is to run into your students trying to get into a bar with a fake ID, then witness you letting loose. Oh God the embarrassment. No, you should never actually see that your teachers have a life. There’s just something so wrong about that. Anyway, as we ate, laughed and told stories about what has been going on in our lives, we all performed the ‘seat dance’ at our table. The music in this place was awesome. Think Dance Mix 94. I’m not kidding. Each time a new song came on, we’d all stop f...