Time for a Time Out
Dear Lindsay Lohan, I’m sending you for a time out. That’s right. Now go find a nice quiet corner and think about what you’ve done to your life. It’s a disaster and you need to go away for awhile and figure it all out. In fact, your entire family needs to go away for a while. I’m not saying you can’t come back to the party. Actually you’re more than welcome to come back but not until after you’ve completed the following tasks. Lay off the booze and drugs…you’re acting like a crazy person and nobody needs to see that. Throw away your spray tanners. With your complexion it’s obvious that you don’t have a real tan so you end up looking fake and trashy. So just get rid of them and go see a dermatologist while you’re at it. Stop Tweeting…NOW…end it. I know it can be addictive, but you need to give it up. Oh and you really need to find something else to wear other than black leggings…please for the love of all that is good…put something else on. Now, I understand that you haven’t worked in a...