Music Pimping

I was away during the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival this year so I missed most of the scoop. I started rummaging through articles and blogs on the festival which took place last week and found some excellent acts to introduce or re-introduce myself to. Before I dive into my recommended pick I should explain what the South by Southwest festival is. It’s a music/film festival which occurs every spring in Austin, Texas. This festival is where it’s at. It’s where all the cool kids go, and I’m not taking about cheerleaders and prom queens. I’m talking about the people with their own identity, their own sound, their own spirit. SXSW kind of reminds me of a large scale folk festival where original music and independent films are showcased. You won’t hear the latest top 40 pop bands here or see the up and coming blockbuster. These singers can actually sing, without the help of over production and the actors can actually act. The art of the craft is exemplified at festivals like SXSW. God,...