Hallelujah Indeed

I have been so out of touch lately. I apologize. I miss my blogging. As you know, one of my favorite things to do is think. Think, think, think. So, while I have been so busy, I have been stockpiling blog posts. I have so many movie reviews to share with you and new artist to pimp out. I’m excited. In the midst of the chaos which sometimes is known as ‘my life’, I take refuge in movies and music. Music helps me think and movies help me forget. I become equally lost in both worlds, a place where the lines of reality and reverie are lost. But for today, we’re starting with this. Thank God, Heaven’s Above, Hallelujah Indeed. Did you watch the 2010 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies on Friday? Here are my top three moments. K.D. Lang, K.D. Lang and K.D. Lang. When the camera focused in on the barefoot songstress dressed in white cocooned by the orange glow of simulated candles (plastic flashlights made to look like candles) held by the audience and the first note broke through the silence,...