New Music - Lunik

As promised, I have a new discovery to pimp out to you. I have a co-worker from Germany and his buddies from back home often hook him up with wicked new tunes and because he knows how much I love new music he usually shares with me. Last week he hooked me up with a new album from a band out of Switzerland. Although they are new to me, they are not a new band. They’ve actually been around since 1997. Their name is Lunik and the group consists of three dudes and one chick. The chick is the lead singer. Normally I’m not a huge fan of bands whose lead singer is female. I’m not 100% sure why I’m like this. I guess I prefer the deeper voice of a male singer. The deepness feels like it reaches my core and gives me a full bodied experience. But this lead singer is sublime….seriously sublime. I hit play on the first song without holding any expectations. I prefer to be surprised. It started soft and slow, with the singers voice sweetly lamenting to lost love in the background, then it hits you....