Life Imitating Art

It seems to happen quite often and more so with the younger generation of actors. The cast of Gossip Girl has this one covered. You’ve got Penn & Blake, Ed & Jessica, Leighton & Sebastian. Well, if anything, it must be convenient. I’ve heard some people comparing the “Hollywood” scene to high school. Makes sense if you really think about it. When you’re on top of your game you’re usually paired up with others who are on top of their game. You work together, present at awards shows together, get asked to the same parties and events. The circles start getting pretty small and these people become your “friends”. Some actors say that when you become a character for the length of the shoot, the process is so intense that at times, yes, maybe you do start to develop feelings for the person you are playing opposite and it may become hard to draw the line between reality and script. I mean hell, it’s your job to spend however many hours a day “pretending” that you are in love wit...