Jonesing for Ben Harper

I basically have been held hostage in my house by the weather outside. It’s -50 degrees Celsius out there with the wind chill. I know, time to move. I decided my iTunes needed a library update so I went to my musical pimp, my source, I also call him my husband, for the goods. This dude has incredible taste in music. All I need to say is, “Hey, I feel like something mellow,” and he’ll ramble off a dozen songs for me to add to my mellow playlist, some hidden gems and some familiar beats but every single one = gold. I did that today and ended up listening to Ben Harper for most of the day. Listening quickly moved into obsessing over, now I can’t stop myself. I always liked Ben Harper. He’s one of those artists that you’ll hear his song in a store or playing the background of a movie and you go, “hey, I know this song. I like this song.” Then you go home and find it in your playlist and put in on repeat. Or at least that’s what I do. One of my most favorite Ben Harper performances to watch...