Live Feeds and Holy Matters

The holy trinity, also known as Rob, Kristen and Taylor, the leads in New Moon, were fresh off their European promotional tour and back in L.A. for the official star studded premiere of New Moon. Earlier in the afternoon I found out through my twitter feed that the Twilight MySpace page was going to be broadcasting the red carpet via a live feed. Originally I had no interest in watching this. I figured I’d just look at the pictures tomorrow online, but then 7:00 pm hit and it took everything in my body to not go to the computer to check out the live feed. I was compelled to watch it. My nosiness level was at an all time high. I wanted to see if Rob & Kristen would be on the red carpet together (which they didn’t, they didn’t even pose together). I wanted to see if Taylor Swift would show up (she didn’t). I wanted to see what other celebrities would come out of the woodwork and show the rest of the world that they were Twilight fans too…and by the way..strangest woodwork appearance ...