Becoming a Big Girl

I’m sure the first time I noticed Dakota Fanning was the first time you noticed her too back in 2001 when she starred as “Lucy” Sean Penn’s seven year old daughter in I Am Sam. It’s a trip to watch the trailer now and see how young she was then, which by the way was only 8 years ago: Crazy, right? She was so good in that movie. It was kind of amazing to watch her. She was seven years old when she that movie came out. Seven…when I was seven I’m sure I was trying to remember that eating play doh wasn’t good for you and she was spending her days with Sean Penn and Michelle Pfeiffer. And she wasn’t just the token cute kid that has a few lines; she had a huge part in it where she had to express true emotions. At the time she was seen as a bit of a child prodigy because of how good she actually was. Dakota’s performance in I am Sam really set her up in the movie business. After that film she appeared in the sci-fi miniseries, Taken, directed by St...