A Precious Breath of Fresh Air

I haven’t seen the movie Precious yet, but I am impatiently waiting to see it. It premiered at the Sundance International Film Festival to rave reviews and early Oscar buzz is predicting possible nods to the lead, newcomer Gabourey (Gabby) Sidibe. Love this girl!!!!! Why can't there be more girls like this in Hollywood? You’ve heard of Precious, right? Well if you haven’t, then here is the lowdown. Based on the novel Push by Sapphire, Claireece Precious Jones played by Gabby is living a horribly neglected life. She is abused by her mother, raped by her father and unnoticed to everyone else in this world. This is the story of adversity, love, hope, strength and courage. This is the story of life. The first interview I saw Gabby give was on Conan O’Brien a few weeks ago. I wasn’t expecting much to be honest but I watched it anyway. Within a minute I was literally peeing myself laughing and I’m sure Conan was too. She was recanting the story of when she first met Oprah, who is an exe...