No More No Boobs

Today’s blog is rather random and comes on the heels of learning some disappointing news and it’s Friday so what the hell. I’ve mentioned my love for Kate Hudson before. One of the biggest draws I had to her was the fact that she had no boobs and didn’t seem to care. She wore skimpy bikinis and tank tops sans bra all the time and she looked great. Her beauty, charm, confidence and ability to wrangle any man she wanted always overshadowed her lack of boobies. She gave all of us no-boob girls hope. She made us feel like we were all silly over having boob insecurities. Yesterday I read that Kate Hudson got a boob job. No! Why? Kate, you can’t do this to us. You are the no-boob poster girl. Why are you leaving our boobless club? Was it something we said? What made you fall to the pressure of having boobs? I’m not saying they look bad. Actually they look great. They look like real boobies. Very natural and perfect for her shape. I’m happy to say she didn’t go for the Heidi Montague special...