A Catchy Tune by Elliott Brood

I do this all the time. I hear a new song, decide whether or not I like it and if I do, I listen to it over and over again pretty much until I get sick of it. This is no different. Last night I was on the sofa finishing up my book when Will turned the stereo on. The song that played was really catchy and fun...the kind that instantly puts you in a good mood. You know the times when you hear a song and you immediately get a smile on your face because it just makes you feel great about life? This is one of those songs. It’s called The Valley Town by Elliott Brood. I can totally picture this song at the end of a movie, closing scene, where the guy gets the girl or figures out the big conundrum in his life and as he's driving off into the sunset in a sweet vintage car this song starts playing. Ya, that sounds about right. A good friend of ours sent the youtube link to Will saying that he might like it and that he just spent the evening at a bar with these guys while visiting North Caro...