The Outcast

I’m back from holidays and the time away was fantastic. I picked up 'The Outcast' a couple of months ago. I don’t really know why I didn’t crack it open until now. Instead it rested on my nightstand for months eyeing me, wondering when I would fall in love with it. And that is exactly what I did. I fell in love with this book. Or maybe I fell in love with Lewis the main character. It’s hard not to. He’s the type of guy a girl shouldn’t fall for but does. Oh and Kit…you will love Kit. You will become Kit and you will want Lewis to save you. No not want…you need him to save you. He’s the only one who can save you. Oh geez…now I want to read it again. The emotions in this book are so real. You feel their pain, their desperation, their anger, their loneliness, their love, their loss as if it’s your own. I took it in my carry-on thinking I might read a few chapters if the movie selections on board weren’t appealing. After about an hour I reach into my bag and cracked the spine to be...