Listen to This

I had great intentions of writing a blog each day however my life had other plans and it seems to be steamrolling over me. Using the word ‘busy’ to describe my current state is a seriously grotesque understatement. Most days I forget what day of the week or which month of the year it is. The only thing I know is that it’s winter; I know this because it’s cold and dark. Frick……Please don’t let me wake up one day and wonder where the last ten years of my life went. Anyway, in times like this I look to music to keep me going. This song I’m about to introduce you to was the 2010 FIFA World Cup Anthem. I don’t watch football (soccer) however this song made me want to see a game live. I’ve heard the crowds/fans at these are just off the wall and something to experience in your life…actually that’s a good idea, I think I’ll add this to the things I want to accomplish in my life. The singer goes by K’naan and he’s a hugely talented Somalian/Canadian Dude. His sound is uniquely fantastic with ...