
Showing posts from January 6, 2010

Yes It's Genius!

I’m writing this blog because I was shocked to learn that so many people out in the world don’t know about the genius application for iTunes. "What the fudge?" Let me back up a few steps first. Although I’m using a PC to write this blog (I know, blasphemy!), I am 100% without a doubt a Mac addict and have been for as long as I can remember and there are two reasons for this. First, one of my teachers in high school was an early adopter of Mac products and brought his students into the cult at an early age. Once you go Mac you never go back! The second is my husband. We are a happy Mac family. Apple has done the most amazing job when it comes to building a brand. In fact they are more than a brand they are a culture, a lifestyle, a way of life. Buy an Apple product and coolify your life. The interesting thing about Apple is that its early adopters were rather out of the box, off the wall, not following with social trends type of people. Then the followers of the world wanted ...