Visualize, Visualize, Visualize

I have this re-occurring dream that runs through my mind daily/nightly. It’s not a normal dream which happens by accident each night while I’m unconsciously sleeping. No. This is a dream I whip up myself while at stop lights or making dinner. I’m one of those people who organize their dreams. Have I lost you yet? I’ll explain. On most nights, unless I’m too exhausted to think, I’ll pre plan what I’m going to think about before I fall asleep. I know, it’s like control freak to the next level. So usually I’ll set the stage – where my dream is going to take place – geographical location and venue. Then the outfit – what cute, sexy, glam item of clothing will I wear which everyone, naturally will think I look amazing in – it’s my dream – I’m allowed to do this – then I’ll pick the characters – Will it involved people I already know or will it be actors, musicians, random famous people? Seriously, I should put all of this thinking to good use and write a book or a screenplay or something. ...