Visualize, Visualize, Visualize

I have this re-occurring dream that runs through my mind daily/nightly. It’s not a normal dream which happens by accident each night while I’m unconsciously sleeping. No. This is a dream I whip up myself while at stop lights or making dinner. I’m one of those people who organize their dreams. Have I lost you yet? I’ll explain.
On most nights, unless I’m too exhausted to think, I’ll pre plan what I’m going to think about before I fall asleep. I know, it’s like control freak to the next level. So usually I’ll set the stage – where my dream is going to take place – geographical location and venue. Then the outfit – what cute, sexy, glam item of clothing will I wear which everyone, naturally will think I look amazing in – it’s my dream – I’m allowed to do this – then I’ll pick the characters – Will it involved people I already know or will it be actors, musicians, random famous people? Seriously, I should put all of this thinking to good use and write a book or a screenplay or something.
So the dream that I return to the most is the one where I am at some sort of awards show or Film Festival. Depending on my mood, and the time of year it could be the Oscars, SAG’s, Golden Globes, Cannes International Film Festival…whatever you get the point. Sometimes I’m just attending and sometimes I’m the underdog nobody expected to win accepting an award. My speech is brilliant by the way. I rehearse this all the time as well. I’m always dressed in a black strapless designer dress – snugly fit from my chest to my knees and the best part is the shoes. The dream is worth it for the shoes. I don’t know if I’ll ever own a pair of these shoes in my actual life so I’m forced to enjoy them in my dreams. What shoe could possible do this to me? Classic Christian Louboutin black pumps with their signature red soles. Good Lord they’re a sexy shoe. I would work those shoes. This is the epitome of shoe porn for me. I would take one hundred blisters on my feet just to wear those shoes for one night then I would go to sleep with them on. I normally have a rule about no outside clothes allowed in bed, but these shoes would be the exception.
I completely see myself at one of these events at some point in my life, dressed in a similar outfit to what I dreamt of then waking up the next morning with the shoes still on. Visualize, visualize, visualize. It’s a technique I’m working on and have been working on for years. If you see it and believe it, it will happen. I think Oprah had a show about this once.
I don’t think this blog really has a point, which is why it's filed under 'random'. I just felt the need to purge. I am completely quirky, weird and uniquely me and if I do ever end up at an awards show someday, outfitted in a black strapless designer dress and quivering over the Louboutin heels supporting my feet, then I’ll look back on this blog happy to know the visualizing worked. Remember the whole “If you build it they will come” quote from Field of Dreams? Ya, I’m kinda going with that.
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