Music Pimping

I was away during the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival this year so I missed most of the scoop. I started rummaging through articles and blogs on the festival which took place last week and found some excellent acts to introduce or re-introduce myself to. Before I dive into my recommended pick I should explain what the South by Southwest festival is. It’s a music/film festival which occurs every spring in Austin, Texas. This festival is where it’s at. It’s where all the cool kids go, and I’m not taking about cheerleaders and prom queens. I’m talking about the people with their own identity, their own sound, their own spirit. SXSW kind of reminds me of a large scale folk festival where original music and independent films are showcased. You won’t hear the latest top 40 pop bands here or see the up and coming blockbuster. These singers can actually sing, without the help of over production and the actors can actually act. The art of the craft is exemplified at festivals like SXSW. God, I love this stuff. Here is the SXSW link if you want to check it out yourself
One of the musical groups that performed during the festival was Band of Horses. They are an indie rock band originally from Seattle but now residing in North Carolina when they aren’t on the road touring. This band is gold. Seriously. Like always, I became curious and started running various searches on them. I checked out their Wikipedia page, then their website followed by countless YouTube loads. I instantly became lost in their sound and lyrics. It’s the kind of music that could easily become the soundtrack to your life. When high or low points cross your path setting the tone to slow motion while a smile spreads across your face then the music hits you. The beat of the drum, the strum of the guitar, the voice breaking through to create the perfect moment where dream meets life. I could waste away a day laying on the couch listening to their songs on repeat. Imagining all the possibilities of ‘what’s to come’ in my life.
I have three favorite songs at this point but I know that list will grow by tonight.
The Funeral:
Is There A Ghost:
No One’s Gonna Love You:
Band of Horses is currently on tour. Follow this link to see if they will be in your area.
If they are in your area I’m jealous. I will have to catch a plane to see them, but I know it would be worth it. This May they are opening for the Midwest and East Coast portion of Pearl Jam’s tour. I don’t think it’s possible for me to express in words how badly I want to go to one of those concerts. These guys plus Pearl Jam. Please. Life just doesn’t get better.
Enjoy the Tunes!
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