The Pacific

This is my latest obsession. It’s a good obsession. THE PACIFIC is a ten part miniseries airing on HBO on Sunday nights brought to you by the same production team who gave you Band of Brothers. I’m talking about Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman. Already three episodes in, I can honestly say this miniseries is more than epic. This miniseries is story telling at its best. I often find that people of my generation think of the world wars and remember stories their grandparents would tell them. And when you look at your grandparents telling these stories you forget they were once young too. You forget how tough they must to have been to go through this time and survive. I feel so privileged to say that not only I could I not ever even imagine going through what they did but I’ve never even had to consider it and this is all because of the sacrifices they made whether they consciously decided to or were forced to. When you watch this show you will see how these soldiers or rat...