The Seven Rays. I Want This Book!

I have been hearing about this book for the past couple of months. It’s called The Seven Rays by Jessica Bendinger who is actually an acclaimed Hollywood screenwriter, love it! She was the one who wrote Bring it On. Remember that movie with Kirsten Dunst. I tend to swim in the popular opinion pool. Don’t get me wrong, I like to dabble my toes in the quirky, weird and independent streams as well, but for the most part if something is hugely accepted by the general population, I’ll most likely accept it too. Prime example, Twilight. The Seven Rays has been getting huge publicity and this is a prime example of media hype and marketing done very well. Advanced copies of the book were sent out to celebrities and other influential people who then were seen photographed with book in hand. Here is the premise of the book as described from The Seven Rays website. The story follows 17 year-old, Beth Michaels, who uncovers elements of the supernatural on her journey of self discovery. The words: ...