
Hello long lost friends. It has been awhile and that’s my fault. My only excuse is that there are lots of things going on in my world.
Whenever I write/rant about music it typically involves an indie band or an unknown singer/group. I love mainstream too, I just don’t tend to write about it because you should already know about it. How can you not when radio stations, TV shows and music channels inundate you with top hits and chart breakers. But…..this artist is making a comeback and deserves some talk about. Eminem. His new album 'Recovery' is receiving rave reviews and even entered the charts at number one and might I say, well deserved. The lyrics in these songs are more than just words. They are deeply personal to the point that you feel like you are intruding on someone’s private thoughts or as if you are eavesdropping on a therapy session. Bravo to him for putting it all out there. Music is always better when it comes from truth, passion, experience….Life.
I don't tend to find rap music on the top of my favorite lists. In a lot of occasions the lyrics are down right stupid. Enough with the hoe, bitch, booty crap. Sure the beat might be good but if you really listen to it you'll seriously pull a WTF move. This is not the case with this album. You'll feel the complete opposite. Give this album a chance. I promise you, if you need to be won over it will win.
My absolute favorite song is Love the way you Lie featuring Rihanna.
Not Afraid is truly empowering and hopeful
One thing this album is not is the old Slim Shady. There has been a great departure from the old days but it has been a departure in the right direction.
Eminem, I salute you.
To sample songs off this album go to Eminem’s MySpace page here:
Love this Album!