Approaching a Clappy Jump Frenzy

There hasn’t been a whole lot of exciting stuff on the go lately however there are a bunch of things coming up very soon that are setting me on the verge of a clappy jump frenzy. It all started last week when Oprah interviewed those Twilight kids in preparation for the June 30th release of Eclipse. For the past few months I have been happily living my life without the need to call upon my Twilight friends. (Don’t worry; I completely realize that I’m a total geek, you don’t need to remind me). I was patiently waiting for June 30th to arrive but then I watched Oprah. It wasn’t so much the interview that got me excited it was the clips they showed. Boys oh boys, it looks good. Better than the first and second installments. I think the cheese factor has been considerably reduced…let’s hope.
That night, after the vision of those clips had been stewing in my mind, I decided to grab my copy of Eclipse from the book shelf and begin reading. Problem…the reading didn’t stop. I finished the book over the weekend. And it was a beautiful weekend. The nicest one yet this year. I don’t know how this happens to me. It’s not like I don’t know what happens in the end. But still, it sucks me in. Now I really CANNOT wait for June 30th to see this book come to life on the big screen.
TV: The second to last episode of Lost is on tonight. This season has been epic. Just when I thought I could live without Lost, now I don’t know how I will go on without constantly being in a state of confusion. Lost provides me with my weekly WTF moments. It’s one of the only scripted shows out there, which is not a legal or medical drama that makes you think…and think of crazy stuff. It let’s your imagination play.
MUSIC: Today is a great day. Today marks the official release date Band of Horses third studio album, Infinite Arms. My recent obsession with Band of Horses is still going strong, hence the clappy jumps for their new album. Here’s the best part. You can listen to the entire album from their website. I'm listening right now as I write. SO GOOD!: Check it out, fall in love, become a fan, go buy the album and then let’s talk about it.
TRAILERS: I was perusing the apple/trailers website over the weekend and came across Charlie St. Cloud. I’ll be totally honest with you. I had no interest in watching the trailer because it starred Zac Efron. I automatically assumed it would be a teeny bopper type movie. But then I remembered a quote my band teacher always used to say, “Never Assume.” So I clicked on the link and started watching. Um, WOW. Goosebumps immediately. Tears in the eyes. Then all the sudden Zac Efron kind of grows up in front of you. This isn’t a teen movie. This is a movie based on the book ‘The Life and Death of Charlie St. Cloud’ and of course I now must go out and buy the book. Hopefully this movie takes Mr. Efron out of the Teen mold and grabs the attention of a more adult audience. He’s a good actor with enough talent to become great. Take a look at the trailer here:
On a sad note, the 10 part miniseries, The Pacific ended on Sunday. I cried…not so much because it was sad, but because it ended. If you didn’t get a chance to catch this while it aired on HBO then you should pick up the DVD's when they are released. This the phenomenal telling of a true story most people could only fathom as fiction. It was powerful, frightening, nail bitingly amazing and gives me that much more pride for the soldiers who still fight to protect our freedoms and the freedoms of others.
I hope you have a clappy jump moment today.
love the trailer! you've got me sold! :)