I must be old, because they’re back

Do you ever have moments when you look back on your personal fashion history and cringe? Of course you do. Come on. We lived through the eighties and nineties.
There is a time in my fashion history that I look back on and shrivel up with embarrassment. I’m happy we didn’t take as many pictures back then as we do today. I’m happy the only evidence of this fashion faux pas resides in my memory.

Remember when all us girls wore little plaid skirts with socks that went up over our knees? Remember when sometimes those socks were crazy colors or they had so called ‘funky’ designs on them? Don’t get me wrong, they looked great on some girls. Not so great on me. But, since I was big on ‘must fit in,’ I just had to have these over the knee socks and I just had to wear them like all the other girls. Problem. My legs were like twigs. Seriously. There were times when some people actually called me Olive Oil, you know, Popeye’s wife. They called me that because of my sticks for legs and arms. They looked like they would break off if you blew enough wind in their general direction. I remember this one pair I had that were bright red. Can you just imagine bright red sticks covered with little white and black hearts all gangly and coming towards you? I’m happy to report that my legs have filled out and they look somewhat normal now. The over the knee socks era was around the same time we all thought animals screen printed on oversized sweatshirts paired with stirrup pants were cool. I’m half laughing and half crying right now.

There is a high school next to my place of employment. Yesterday I was walking to the gym at lunch and passed a group of teenage girls. GASP, HORROR, SHOCK…what did I see???? The socks. They’ve returned. These were a pair of light pink and grey argyle’s. After the shock wore off my mind quickly started jumping to conclusions. She must have an older sister…like at least 15 years older. Those must be hand me down socks. Oh god, is the stuff I wore 15 years ago now considered vintage. How did I get so old?

You can see how easily sidetracked I can become. I spent the next 45 minutes in a downward spiral, denying my age and then panicking about all the stuff I have yet to accomplish. When I got back to the office I quickly typed 2010 fashion trends into my google search bar. What did I see? Yes, you guessed it. The over the knee socks have made their return to the fashion world, set out on a mission to scar the next generation of teenagers. Damn you, over the knee socks, damn you!

What else is back? Hot pants, jumpsuits and the worst…..patterned and printed pants...think palazzo pants. Remember them?

As long as the muumuu doesn’t make a triumphant return then we’re safe. These are just little blips in fashions cyclical history.

Check out all the upcoming trends on this blog: http://www.fashionising.com/trends/b--Fashion-Trends-2010-1509.html

We’re now onto day three of my new band obsession. Yup, still listening to The xx. Check out VCR here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI2eO_mNM88


  1. Hahahaha. As long as the huge poly-cotton sweatshirts with plasticky-foam cats sprayed on them NEVER come back, I'll be happy.

    PS. Thanks for the xx. Not to be an enabler, but you should check out Ox on CBC Radio 3.


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