Testing the Waters

It was inevitable. It had to happen. Millions of girls all over the world willed this to happen. I’m sure they believe their prayers in unison finally made this happen. That’s right. Kristen Stewart showed up at the Remember Me premiere last night in NYC. The reason girls all over the world are rejoicing today is because the lead in Remember Me is the world’s most famous imaginary boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, and if he can’t be with them, then he must be with Kristen and only Kristen. I get it. She’s his Bella, he’s her Edward. She’s badass and he’s the hottest piece of property. I’m happy he’s with her and not some no-name supermodel.
Anyway, Robert is back on US soil to promote Remember Me, his first ‘real’ movie following the enormous success of the Twilight Saga films. This movie was filmed in NYC this past summer on a break between the filming of New Moon and Eclipse. Early reviews are in and they said Robert P. did a fantastic job on this film. You won’t see ‘Edward’ when you watch it. This is a good thing. He is steering away from the ‘one hit wonder’ track and towards the ‘legit actor’ track. Kristen is already there. It would be impossible for Kristen to be a one hit wonder. Seriously…she is one of the most uniquely individual people in the business. She wears what she wants, says what she wants, hangs out with only the people she likes….she is fierce. I love it.
Kristen showing up at the Remember Me premiere last night was a huge surprise. Nobody expected it although everyone secretly hoped for it and she delivered. No, they didn’t pose together on the red carpet…I doubt they ever will…they’ll be like Gwyneth and Chris…together but not together. This week has been quite the week for “Robsten” – yes, that’s what the kids call them. They first attended the BAFTAs together. Of course they didn’t sit together. Then they were seen leaving the after party together – same car. Could have been a slip up – like the holding hands walking to the airplane in France – or if could have been a ‘who gives a frig’ moment. Apparently they were both seen pub crawling around London together last week. Finally they showed up together at the NYC airport on Friday night. Good on them. Have some fun.
Next stop! Kristen will be heading to the West Coast to be a presenter at the Oscars this Sunday, March 7th with the wolf, Taylor Lautner. Robert is not expected to attend but maybe it will be his turn to surprise us. After Robert finishes up his quick US promotional tour for Remember Me, he’ll be heading back to London to resume filming on Bel Ami.
Kristen and Rob seem to be testing the waters. Feeling it out to see how freaked out people get seeing them together. In the midst of twilight hype I would have guessed the water would have been scalding. Too hot to even dip your toe in. But now, after the storm, in the middle of the calm before the next storm, the waters are lukewarm. Comfortable enough to walk in and slowly submerge your body. They'll get out before their skin wrinkles and leave us all wondering again.
Here is the trailer for Remember Me. It opens this weekend. I’m sure it’s going to make a killing at the box office: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/summit/rememberme/
Here are some pictures from last night’s NYC premiere: http://www.popsugar.com/Photos-Robert-Pattinson-Kristen-Stewart-Remember-Me-Premiere-NYC-7589052
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