Oscar Weekend

If you didn’t know it, the Oscars are this Sunday. I have been waiting for this day since last March. I love the Oscars. Everyone pulls out their best for the Oscars and Hollywood Glam is at a high point.
So a co-worker of mine printed off an ‘Oscar prediction’ sheet for a number of us and we all filled it out based on who we thought would win for each category. Kind of a pool type thing except we didn’t bet money on it, only bragging rights. As far as pop culture trivia goes, I am the queen of this game at work. Naming movies and missing actors would be my strong point. I have no idea why my brain stores this information but it does. I’m hoping the point to all this storing will show itself someday. I guess I’ll just keep waiting for that.
So I filled out my predictions sheet, passed it in and now I’m having a bit of prediction remorse/anxiety, whatever you want to call it. I’m just not sure about some of the categories. Lead actor – that’s a toughie. I marked George Clooney but now I’m leaning towards Jeremy Renner. I think Christopher Waltz from Inglorious Basterds is a shoe in for best supporting actor. As for leading actress I went with a wild card, one whom I really hope wins, Carey Mulligan. I’m rooting for her. I struggled with best supporting actress as well. I mean I LOVED Anna Kendrick in Up in the Air and she deserves the nomination but I think it might go to Maggie Gyllenhaal. As for Best Picture, I’m pretty much with the rest of the world right not teetering between Avatar and The Hurt Locker. Loved them both so much and in totally different ways. I’m going to be on the edge of my seat on Sunday – covered by my favorite blanket, nachos in hand with a fruit smoothie.
View a full list of this years nominees here: http://www.oscars.org/awards/academyawards/82/nominees.html
I’ll be sure to post a recap next week.
Enjoy your date with Oscar!
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