It's a Food Revolution

All aboard Jamie’s train. Next stop, Healthyville.
I can’t tell you how happy I am that this movement is in place. I think many people for many years now have been trying to get ‘the system’ on board with healthy eating to promote healthy lifestyles to combat the HUGE problem of obesity in America. Sometimes it takes a little glam and celebrity pomp and circumstance to make a difference. Think of all the celebrity telethons over the years to raise funds for those in need. Or how about Oprah’s book club? Think of how many people read because she told them to. There is no doubt that Influential people have the power to not only make people listen but to make them act. Well, it’s HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!! Yes we can, Yes we can, Yes we can.
On Friday night I sat down to watch the first two episodes of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, which aired on ABC. This show serves up a heaping pile of rude awakening and I really hope the viewers don’t leave the table until that pile has been digested.
For the length of this show, you will follow Jamie’s progress in the West Virginia school system to implement healthier food choices for students and you will also follow the progress of some choice families set on Jamie’s plan. Justin is a twelve year old boy who is part of one of these choice families. About three seconds after Justin was introduced I started rooting for him. You will too. He is the sweetest, kindest kid. He’s got a long road ahead of him but he can do it. Jamie Oliver himself has personally agreed to take young Justin under his wing by teaching him to cook his own meals and create food plans for him. This show is not celebrity fit club or the biggest loser. Yes, there are touching stories of personal angst but really this show is about creating a movement and the prize at the end is a better life…hopefully a longer life. It’s about getting into your homes and each person making that step to choose to live a healthier life by making good food choices and promoting a healthier life through food, exercise and family. Jamie said it best. In the hectic pace our life has converted to, although it may be easier to grab take-out on your way home from work and let your kids eat it in front of the TV so you can have a few moments of peace, there is nothing better than breaking bread with those you love. Actually, you should consider yourself lucky that you have your family around you to break bread with.
I have always been an advocate for healthy eating. Sure I like to eat out every once and awhile just like everyone else, but eating out to you may be very different than eating out for me. My fast food vice would be Vietnamese food….not McDonalds. Spring rolls on a bed of vermicelli…heaven. I think a lot of my healthy food choices came down to my parents. They have always been conscience of what they are eating and cooking with; more so in later years, but that has caused me to be aware of what I’m using to fuel my body. Children will mimic their parents, so set a good example.
This show is worth a watch. Some of it will disgust you and other parts will elate you for having already changed your habits. You will learn tons of facts, pick up excellent new recipes and hear some wonderful stories of hope and change. Jamie Oliver is the perfect guy to start this movement. He’s as real as you get. He isn’t afraid to get messy, both with food and personal lives. He’s the kind of guy you would love to have over for dinner then a few drinks after that. He’s the kind of guy who cares enough to leave his own family behind just to help others. Others who didn’t even ask for help but need it. Others who at first turn their backs on him. Jamie Oliver is a food hero.
Yes, there are some critics and others unwilling to budge. Fine. Be that way but don’t shorten the lives of others because of your own laziness.
If you are an American, then please sign this petition The goal is to get 1 Million signatures then bring it to the U.S. Government in hopes of improving what the school systems serves the students.
To learn more about The Food Revolution, please visit:
All Aboard. Choo Choo!!!
I feel like you were just inside my head!! I watched it too - appalling yet revitalizing! I will be watching this week too...i say, go Jamie!! Someone's gotta say something.
ReplyDeleteWell done.
This sounds like a good program. I will have to check it out. :-)