500 Days of Summer

Finally got around to seeing this little movie that could and loved it just like I thought I would. In the first few minutes a narrator will say, “This movie isn’t about a love story.” It is and isn’t true. It’s a movie with a great love story in it, but the movie itself isn’t a love story. It’s a movie about life. The awesomeness and the crappiness of life. You win some and you lose some kind of thing.

Let’s talk about Joseph Gorgon-Levitt for a minute. I’ve blogged about him before and I’ll say it again. I think JGL is one of the best actors of my generation and I’m looking forward to watching him give his acceptance speech at the Oscars someday…..soon. Also can’t wait to see him in Inception (Check out the trailer here. It’s going to be badass: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/inception/)

The relationship between his character Tom and Zooey Deschanel’s character Summer is superb. You fall in love with them both and you will find little parts of yourself in each of them. Here is the basic plot to the movie. Tom, played by JGL, grew up believing that he will only experience true happiness in his life when he finds the one. And he’ll know who the ‘one’ is because he’ll just know. He’s the kind of guy who believes in love at first sight, happily ever after, destiny, fate, fairytale type stuff. You love it! I know….I love it too. Summer, on the other hand, doesn’t believe in true love nor does she believe in being held down by labels or confinements of a relationship. So basically they are like vinegar and oil when it comes to their feelings on love. Well frig…doesn’t that just suck?

My favorite scene, hands down, was after Tom completes the ‘hookup’ with Summer. There is a fantastically choreographed dance routing through the streets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2seAJsrtIbQ
Watch that and now tell me you don’t just want to eat him up. It looked like so much fun to make, I was seriously jealous. Frig, why can’t I do cool shit like that? I kid you not…scenes like this play in my head on a daily basis. When I’m pumped about something that scene plays out in my head but I’m the lead character. I’m basically like a walking musical, except I’m the only one who can hear the music.

But I digress. 500 Days of Summer is a very sweet movie. One of those that you’ll never get sick of and want to watch it over and over again. I hope it scores some awards this season as they would be very well deserved. Check out the trailer her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsD0NpFSADM

Found this weekend gem on youtube. It’s a music video for a song in the movie. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrUTWTv9hzc


  1. I finally just watched this as well and really enjoyed it! I loved the dancing scene - it was so cute :)

  2. I will have to check this one out. Thanks for the awesome movie suggestions Char.


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