One Week

So the question becomes. What would you do if you knew you only had one day, or one week, or one month to live? What life boat would you grab on to? What secret would you tell? What band would you see? What person would you declare your love to? What wish would you fulfill? What exotic local would you fly to for coffee? What book would you write?
These are the questions asked in the fantastic film ‘One Week’ starring Joshua Jackson (who is Canadian by the way). Amazing movie! Amazing! I had goose bumps from the first minute to the last and a ball at the back of my throat with tears on the edge of spilling out from the corners of my eyes. If you are Canadian, watch this movie and be proud of your Country like you always are. If you’re not Canadian, do yourself a favor and watch this movie to understand why Canadians are so proud.
One Week follows Ben Tyler as he travels across Canada in search of a final great adventure after he is diagnosed with stage four cancer. It certainly isn’t a light topic but it does stir up many questions running through your own mind. What would you do if you knew you had only one week, one month, one year to live? I would hope to never know my looming expiration date and to live my life in the best possible way that I can.
We often ask ourselves these questions when we hear of someone else going through a life changing event. Isn’t funny how we come up with similar responses when asked ‘what would you do if you won the lottery?’ Why don’t we do the things we really want to do now? Why do we always wait for a reason, some divine intervention to give us a sign, pushing us towards these things? Usually it’s because we’ve become complacent. We live our routinely busy lives full of work and extracurricular activities and occasionally looking forward to a destination vacation or anything out of the ordinary from our habit filled lives. Imagine if we didn’t need to work and all the free time we’d have to do all these things. But then there’s the issue of money. Most of the things we want to do require some sort of payment. I’m still wishing for a money tree to sprout up in my backyard. Now I’ve come full circle, if I could only win the lottery. What would you do with your winnings?
This movie is jam packed with fantastic Canadian musical artists, both contributing to the soundtrack and on screen performances. You will see a cameo by Gord Downey of The Tragically Hip. You will also see and hear Joel Plaskett while Wintersleep and Sam Roberts contribute to the soundtrack. The only thing this movie was missing was the Maritimes. I’ve got a soft spot for the East Coast of Canada and I truly believe it’s the best place on earth.
Check out the trailer for One Week here:
Now go rent the DVD or check it out next week when it premieres on the Movie Chanel.
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