Up in the Air

I am in love with this movie and I haven’t even seen it yet. The expected release date for “Up in the Air” is Christmas Day, December 25th; however I have been hearing that reviews are so good, like potential Oscar nominations good, that they might move the release date up. Not sure, will keep you posted.
The first time I saw the trailer I felt a sense of Déjà vu, then it hit me, I totally had this exact conversation with my boss back when I first started working. I was so much like Anna Kendrick’s character Natalie. Fresh out of University with the business suites (such a grownup / take me seriously look, non?) and all of the naivety in the world but not recognizing even an ounce of it. I was focused and driven, but I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to be doing in my career, I just knew that I wanted to be good at it. Then you work for a few years…..you gain that experience and things change. Life happens, other things become far more important and you realize that everything you thought was so easy isn’t, and that sometimes life downright sucks. But you learn and move on, because moving is living and you try to remember the good things.
I have put together a list of the best quotes pulled from the trailer all said by the great George Clooney and all of these quotes come from the scene that I’ve already lived in real life, except maybe my boss didn't say those exact words :) This is where George Clooney's character is trying to teach Anna Kendricks character how to navigate the crowds at the airport. Only a true frequent flyer would know these tricks.
• “Never get behind old people their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left.”
• “Asians, they pack light, travel efficiently and they’ve got a thing for slip on shoes, god love them.”
• “I’m like my mother, I stereotype, it’s faster.”
Up in the Air is rated R which pretty much guarantees some delicious sauciness. I have a feeling that it’s going to be one of those “real” movies. One that you can totally agree on the fact that all of the events could really happen. I will guarantee you that over the holidays you will find me in the theater, very back, center seat, eating this movie up. I can’t wait. Hopefully my photo and trailer assumption hasn’t built this movie up to be something far better in my mind that what it actually is…I doubt it…I know I’m going to love it.
This is the story of a man ready to make a connection: View the trailer here: Select the Theatrical Trailer: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/upintheair/
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