May I Recommend - Kings of Leon

Back in May I was lucky enough to see Kings of Leon live in concert and they were amazing to say the least. The coolest thing about the Kings of Leon concert was that my husband and I traveled to a different city than the one we live in to see them. We didn’t know a single other person at that concert but that didn’t matter. When you get into a space with people that love the music as much as you do, you quickly become friends…just for those few hours…and rock out together, never caring how you look or sound, just getting lost in the music. For me, that is the best thing about a live show. I love it when the crowd has their hands over their heads clapping in unison. Or when the band starts to play and lets the crowd sing the song. These are the times when I stop rockn’ out for a minute to take it all in, to remember how I’m feeling at that moment and make it last forever - days, weeks, years after the concert is over. And every time I YouTube a live concert or put in one of those concert DVD’s it makes me want to go to a concert again. I quickly start looking up my favorite bands to see where they are playing next and usually attempt to persuade my husband into getting plane tickets and flying to the next stop on their tour. However, I usually don’t win and settle for the YouTube version - watching the concert through someone else’s camera, listening to their poorly pitched voice, but man, are they ever having fun. You can feel it, even through the computer screen….but I digress.
When Caleb belts out those tunes in his raw, sexy rocker voice even the lesbian chicks and straight dudes feel the quiver for him and it’s intense.
I always wondered what it would be like to be a musician on stage and the crowd starts singing your lyrics back to you. Imagine what it must feel like the very first time that happens. Maybe they get the same feeling that we get when we hear them singing live. Music can heal a heartbreak, fuel a rage, sweeten a memory, rock your body. In a lot of ways it’s the expression of your life and the soundtrack that you chose to go along with it. So the next time you find yourself at a live rock concert take a minute to close your eyes and get lost in the rock n’ roll.
Check out Use Somebody from Kings of Leon here:
And Fans here:
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