Come Pick Me Up

Have you ever listened to a song and you can just feel it run through your soul. It doesn’t really matter what the lyrics say or mean, but you totally and completely connect with the music, right to the core. This would be one of those songs that does it for me. It’s called Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams. I heard this song last night for the first time in a long time. Come Pick Me Up emanates feeling and emotion and it has actual meaning unlike most of the “popular” songs out today. It’s one of those thinking songs, when listening to it you can sort the shit out in your life, figure out what you want, get back on track. It’s amazing that a song can do that, isn’t it? I do my best thinking in the car by myself listening to music.
Usually, wait, who am I kidding, Every time I find a song that I connect with I’ll listen to it over and over again while images of events in my life or things I would like to happen in my life run through my mind…almost like a movie trailer..and this song goes along with the images. There I go again…lost in my own thoughts. I can’t help it. I’m a total dreamer. That’s probably why I search for meaning in songs and try to figure out exactly what the writer was trying to convey...what they must have been going through when they wrote that particular track.
Have a listen to this song. It’s sexy and soulful and all those good things in life:
If you liked this song, you’ll probably enjoy the entire album. It’s called Heartbreaker by Ryan Adams and if you don’t know of Ryan Adams, get to know him, otherwise you’re missing out. His music has the ability to make moments a little sweeter; it will change your life.
I love Ryan Adams too!!