All Hail the New King

The People (as in People magazine) have spoken and they have announced their new King (as in sexiest man alive for 2009) and the winner is…..Johnny Depp.
Hugh Jackman sat in the throne over the past year and I think we can all agree that he was a good King. Remember that scene in Wolverine? Yes, you know the one I’m talking about…see he was a good King wasn’t he and now he is passing the crown to Johnny Depp, the well deserved recipient.
Johnny Depp is badass. He’s so badass that he can have a scarf coming out of his back pocket and look cool. So cool that instead of mocking his fashion sense, the world bows down to his awesomeness.
Depp just secured his paycheck for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie at just over $30 million. Yes, you read that correctly, $30 million. But he shares well. It has been recently reported that Depp is helping out his friend Nicolas Cage with his financial issues; He uses his riches to help the poor. This makes him a generous King.
It’s a good thing that People chose a man that has credibility in the industry. I’m sure most people thought Robert Pattinson would be crowned King, but that would be foolish. He has only been famous for a year. The sexiest man alive must first seek out the approval of the other leading men in the industry before he can take the crown. Do you see Robert hanging out with Clooney or Pitt? No, not yet, but If Robert is still a hot commodity when he is 30 then I’m sure his sexy radar will be off the charts and he will be granted the honor. Until then he must pay his dues and work his way up. That’s just how it goes. You must be a man to be called sexy..Robert is still just a guy.
This is Depps second time around as a royal. He was first crowed Sexiest Man Alive back in 2003 and I’m sure his loyal followers will embrace him again as their leader.
For the complete story visit:,,20315920_20320494,00.html
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